Tuesday 24 May 2011

A Poet I'm Not...

I have so many friends (and friends of friends that I get to read occaisionally) that really produce fantastic poetry...I READ poetry quite often...mostly the classics, and won't bore you with that here...I find rhyming pentamater extremely soothing at times...and very funny sometimes...I can still quote several parts of Dr. Suess that I read to my kids, speaking of funny...but I'm not really a poet myself...however, Lenore, my friend and I spent several hours yesterday booting up here on blogspot or blogger, whichever, and at the end of ALL THAT, she challenged me to write a SPECTACULAR blog this morning on my new site...I've been 'hemming and hawing' for about an hour now...and the only thing I can come up with is a poem (one out of six) that came to me out of a dream back in 2005...and I hope I still remember it the right way up, so to speak: so here it is...a side of Catherine Mary you've never seen before...
                                    Not every man is a stranger
                                   Who darkens our threshold, our doors-
                                  Unaware, we entertain angels
                                  Come in from the wilds and the wars;

                                 Not every blade that was broken,
                                Must be reforged, ere it stand:
                               Not every word is one spoken-
                              Not every son is a man.

                            Not every gift that is given
                           Is possession-to have and to hold;
                          Not every heart that is riven,
                         Is left there to bleed, in the cold.

                      When the new green grass meets the heather,
                      When the morning mists melt in the sun,
                      When two hands touch in the evening,
                      When two hearts fall into one:

                     Then will this exile be over,
                    Heartache and pain will be past-
                   Then begins, 'Always, forever',
                  Then we'll have come home at last.

                                                        -Catherine Mary -2005-
