Friday 24 June 2011


‘Grace, she takes the blame, she covers the shame,
Removes the stain, it could be her name;
Grace-it’s a name for a girl,
It’s also a thought that could change the world.
And when she walks on the street, you can hear the strings,
Grace finds goodness in everything.
Grace–she’s got the walk, not on a ramp or on chalk,
She’s got the time to talk;
She travels outside of karma, karma, she travels outside of karma.
When she goes to work you can hear the strings,
Grace finds beauty in everything.
Grace–she carries the world on her hips, no champagne flute for her lips,
No twirls or skips between her fingertips,
She carries a pearl in perfect conditon,
What once was hurt, what once was friction,
What left a mark no longer stains,
Because grace makes beauty out of ugly things,
Grace finds beauty in everything,
Grace finds goodness in everything.
‘Grace’- U2-

Some interesting thoughts for a rainy day….may this day be all that you need, and nothing you don’t….

Monday 13 June 2011

Hello and good morning to all of my friends on all of my spaces…how is everyone doing today? I have had a very busy two weeks, with much to do, but in between I have found myself in a unique place of quietude, of peace…it’s been something I haven’t known for many years…
In the human framework, I have been rearranging my house, room by room in the aftermath of my children moving out…the things I’ve found that I’d forgotten I even had because they were tucked away, would amaze you! Went through old photos, even found some of myself as a young girl…OMG THOSE were the days!
Overall, though I have found that in the settling dust of all these different changes, in the sorting of things that were/are the bits and bobs of my life, a great calmness has come over me…how long it will last is anyone’s guess, but it is truly wondrous to be standing within it, even for a moment or two, if that’s all I will have of it…
I wanted to tell you that in life it seems that many things that begin in a hectic or startling way, where we seem to have life turn topsy turvy..where things seem to become somewhat shaken up, do end up settling us in one way or another..perhaps the key is acceptance of what is happening at the time…I am not totally sure of that, for some things that come our way are hard things to accept..but in this instance, I believe the acceptance I had for the unexpected changes in my life recently, was the catalyst to comfort and eventually to the peace I now am enjoying….even my dog and cats are settling to a quieter mode, and that I am truly thankful for…
If I could be granted a wish, just one, today I would wish for all of you to have a measure of this quiet peace that seems to have ‘come in the back door’ of my heart…that you would have a day, today in fact, where everything around you settled itself for you in every way…be well my friends and take care…may this day bring all that you hope for…