Thursday 5 January 2012

Changing the World, Part Deux, or My Answer to the 2012 thing...

I recently had an email from my brother, Howard, out in B.C., discussing the 42 day countdown for peace world wide in 2012…I actually hope I got that right, as I am VERY baked today…..this 2012 discussion has been on my mind (and in my heart) ever since my friend, Eddie Two Hawks put up different blogs on the subject last year…went into all the sites he used and had a general look round…was completely fascinated as there seemed to be two camps–people who think we’re about to blow ourselves up (self destruct), and people who believe, way and away from world disaster, we are about to experience a new time of great I went further into the subject and found, as time passed, more people seemed to be in the camp for a world wide change for the better (peace) and less people seemed inclined to believe we were about to see “THE END TIMES”…as some have so aptly named it…interesting…
I think what I would like to say, is that as long as someone, anyone, cares about someone else, it isn’t likely that we’re going to be destroyed…I wish people generally speaking, while I’m at it, would stop either being AFRAID that GOD IS GOING TO DESTROY THE WORLD, or that said imminent destruction would be his doing… would any of you willingly destroy your home with your kids in it, or better yet your whole town/city, because your kids are in it? Let’s face it, we don’t always like what our kids do, and sometimes we don’t like them much either, but unless your name is Jones and you’re passing out purple koolaid, I think it’s safe to say you’d do nothing of the sort…why? BECAUSE YOU LOVE YOUR KIDS!!! God isn’t any different…this world is his creation, and like it or not, we’re his kids, whether we’re admitting kinship(belief) or not…and like any good parent hopes to do, God keeps his word…that would be the story of Noah, for anyone reading this who is not necessarily scripture friendly…he PROMISED he would never destroy the world again…this isn’t rocket science, and unlike his human counterparts, parents, who cannot always keep their word, he has always kept his…back to my main point, lest I digress too far…
I think it has been positively thrilling to read people’s responses…some people are numbering the days (42) like a countdown to bring in this new era of peace….the Mayan calendar discussion shows a great change about to occur somewhere around Oct 12(I hope I have that date right)…as a result, many people on line, off line and in other media forums around the world are centering their hearts and minds on love, for each other and for this world they live in as a way of heralding this coming event that some feel will affect everyone’s life…and that is actually what WILL change things…people themselves will change what happens next, because they are taking time out of their busy, if crazy lives (and whose isn’t these days?), to focus on what really matters to them, and to send that message around the world if they can…from one heart to another…and this can work, I believe will work…because if one person, any person cares for one other, then the planet cannot self destruct, no matter how many do not care, will not give, will not hear, will not accept…
…so this is what I’ve done…my little bit in a bid for a better time to come to us, a better day, a brighter tomorrow…this is the message I’m sending across the world today…
…this is what I think will change everything, if we let it…and I believe we will…y’all have the best day ever!!