Friday 25 December 2015

The Promise - Narnia Christmas Tribute (LWW)

I saw this video a few days back...I've been saving it for tonight...for Christmas Eve...this is the night above all nights...the one night of the year that has us hoping for something more, almost reaching for it...this is the one moment to remember what has been...a little child that changed the world is about what will one ever thinks what it is they're hoping for...but this one night, if we're honest with ourselves, we hope for something new to happen...something that will change us...if it changes us...we will change our's not just about what has been, but what is surely to come...I cannot say it is a belief I is something I know...something I've known since I was a child...he has been here is why we celebrate this day...he will come back..I know it because he promised us he would...what would it be like if he came back at Christmas? Every year as long as I can remember, I've hoped and prayed to see him...but at Christmas, well...that would be so wondrous...people think I'm crazy to hope for any of this...but I'd rather be called crazy, than give up on the one thing, the one person, who, in a heartbeat will change this world forever...he did that once, and he was just a baby...what would he do now, for he is a baby no longer...

....whatever you hope for this Christmas, it is my fondest wish that you receive it...this is my hope for this Christmas, and every one yet to come...Merry Christmas, my friends.

Wednesday 17 June 2015

Who Knew?

I have been reading R. H. Heinlein for as long as I can remember.  He’s a science fiction author, who’s been writing since the late 1950’s. Imaginative, extremely creative and definitely strange…way out on the far side…not ordinary sci-fi…from “The Rolling Stones” to  “The Mark of the Beast”, this man has never written anything that wasn’t completely off the grid…which is why I liked him and read him…
Science fiction is NOT my usual cup of tea, but when I was pregnant with my daughter (2nd of 4), my brother-in-law introduced him to me…and BECAUSE he was such an unusual writer, I got hooked and have never left the spot, as it were! Then I came across this quote while looking (of course) for something else entirely…
…it shouldn’t have surprised me..after all, behind every weirded out sci fi writer, there IS a human being who, like everyone else, has something to say about the everyday ordinary things of life…just in an extraordinary way…I saw this quote and it was, for lack of a better word…perfect.  Butterflies are like hummingbirds…one of the oddities of creation that are rare to see, but when you do, they take your breath away….
1085 (16) 1085 (2)
….if butterflies are ‘self propelled flowers’, then what are hummingbirds? Two seconds of emerald and garnet sunshine? What do you think? Maybe you can come up with a more descriptive phrase than this tired mind can produce…whether they are ‘self propelled flowers’ or a blur of jeweled sunshine, Heinlein was right..they are part of creation…he stopped long enough to see…to speak of their wonder…take time to see the wonder all around you today…something out there is worth two minutes of your time, whether birds, or butterflies, children, or life itself… moving, changing, growing with every moment that passes…you don’t have to have the skill of a writer, or the eyes of an artist to have that moment…something that will stay with you always…
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