Sunday 3 January 2016

It's my turn now....

Happy New Year my friends…a new year…a slate wiped clean..another chance to begin again, start fresh, start new…to change what has been to something different..something more…that is what I think every new year at this time…
But this year is different…this year I feel change coming…not just for me, but for all of us, if we choose to let it be so…change will always occur…time moves on..but that is not what I am talking about here…something is in the air, I feel it…and it will bring with it something new, something different, something good…this year is not like any other year I’ve ever known…and at 61, that’s saying something…
I felt something similar when I was 23…I was told because of reproductive surgery that I would never have children…but something was in the air in that new year…1977..I had my surgery at Christmas…I was pregnant in February and birthed my eldest son on November 1st…went on to have four more children and eight grandchildren…
The same when I was the year prior, my youngest son was trying to find his niche…he was a big kid, who looked 3 yrs older than he was…I had signed him up for soccer two yrs. prior…and he loved it…that year he became goalie for his team, so at Christmas I stretched to buy him a signatured soccer ball, because I felt the same thing…something was coming, something was in the air…the new year came in…1999…he and his team not only went to finals for the county, they went on to play finals for the province…and took the Soccer Cup from Acton, ON, which had held that cup undefeated  for ten years! Not only did they take the Cup, but the two heretofore unheard of Grand Valley teams, ousted Acton and ended up playing against one another…so it didn’t matter which team won..the Cup would go to Grand Valley for the first time in ten years! It was one of the most playful soccer games I ever watched…the kids just had fun, because they were playing with their schoolmates…in case you were unaware, the words ‘soccer’ and ‘playful don’t go together as a rule…and that year, more importantly my youngest boy came into his own…found himself…because of it, he became who he is now…an amazing young man with guts and heart…you see what I mean? There was something in the air that year…
And I’m so up for it…I remember those two years and others I haven’t cited, where this feeling came in and change for the good, undeniably astounding change for the good came with it…I’m up to the plate and it doesn’t matter how many times in other years I’ve ‘struck out’..I know I’m going to whack this baby ‘out of the park’!  Change is in the air for sure…and it’s my turn now…