Friday 9 December 2011


Hello, everyone:
You may have noticed that I’ve been offline since June…life…what can I tell you, it’s always there and must take precidence…and are we not constantly richer for the changes, the ‘scrambled-eggs-for-brains’ we sometimes are left with, the hopes, the fears, the fun, the tears…that’s life as they do say…and I’ve had plenty of it…
Had a lot of time to reflect, to think where I’m going next (because one is always going somewhere, even if one is standing still…think about it!), what’s around the corner…we’ve downsized again to yet a smaller house (and I MEAN small-
S-M-ALL)..Len and I both can walk from the front door to the bathroom, in under seven seconds!!!(this is often handy! lol!)
I’ve missed all of you terribly..Eddie, Stephen, Janae, Simon, Sue, Aussie, Chip, both Annes…just everybody! I’ve thought and prayed for all of you often in these last months..hope you are well, happy, delighted with life, and doing whatever it is that makes you feel not just good, but great!!!
Tomorrow is my birthday…57 yrs old I will be…wow! And I still don’t need bifocals…but perhaps computer eyeware may be in the offing this next year…and, of course, we are fast approaching another year end with Christmas just around the corner…so who’s coming over for eggnog and some of my very best Christmas cake…let’s not forget the shortbread and the gingerbread cookies…tea will be served from 7-midnite on Christmas Eve..hope you’ll drop by cuz I’d be delighted to see you…we can swap stories of Christmases behind, the things we like best about the season and perhaps some of the personal traditions that have been part of our Christmases over the years…that would be truly wonderful…
Until next time…I hope for each of you good things, good friends and happy moments at this very special time…stay well.

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