Friday 9 December 2011

Waiting for Christmas to come...

…this blog is actually dedicated to my daughter, Sharon, who by virtue of her incredible good taste in music(don’t know where she got that from..ahem! lol!), has accidentally introduced me to an Irish artist named Johnny Reid…she posted this song on fb, ‘Waiting for Christmas to come…it was so-o-o-o incredible, wonderful, amazing, touching…
….so I thought I post it from ‘youtube’ for y’all, it will so lift your hearts, let me tell you…
….after this, while on the same site, I caught this video of children(and staff) from Hartley Bay School, who made their own video of this song…it was really, I don’t know…is it too corny or passe to say, precious? So here’s some Christmas to take through whatever sort of day your having…merry, merry!

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